by: SteveEdmonds
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Date: Mon, 11 October 2010: 5 hour H 40
0 comments that it is much easier said than done. More difficult and dangerous conditions to our society is apathy. Political apathy has polarized us to move backward. Apathy in our communities prevents us from enjoying the inherent resources of our environment. I have long said when solve us the problem of apathy, the folds of the policy will disappear. Education policy is political in its more contemporary understanding. It is filled with unique and bureaucratic interests strangle hold on power. Greater deterrence businesses of is involved with outreach efforts local is the old adage that "no good deed goes unpunished." Stepping up to help out can open passive and unforeseen consequences.The main obstacle to individuals involved is the lack of communication and receipt of comments from the public and ideas. Practice more confrontational and off-putting is perhaps our packaging that public education is the only game in ville.La natural occurrence is to divide the people who are predisposed to be active and involved in several smaller competitors, not cooperating groups.In a market entirely scenario it would be preferable, but on the education of the public in the forbidden mixture marché.Gouvernement approach is not a company and is not always subscribe to the same habits or practice. Compulsory public education, we must think more utilities and strive to achieve the greatest amount of good for the greatest amount of people. This means that we must make the allies not enemies education public and private.
Assuming that resolve us some problems of communication outlined in part II, informing the community should be a process and the PR issue.The real work provides open collaboration objectives effectively to provide quality learning to our students.
An area that I've grown to realize I was relatively unaware and uninformed is domicile.Ce education public and pseudo private education is that has received much criticism and little praise for activity and programs that it implies.Home schooling is becoming the economic preference to the perception of a lack of quality in public schools.One of the myths I've hung on the relevant quality standards and accountability.Then, I've seen comparisons orange counties and realized that people are this fear for the future of their enfants.Ils (parents) have already started to think collaboratively instead of individually .trouver a teacher is working in a bad economy, get a small group and all sudden, you have a win. A teacher is to make money and small groups of children receive focused attention.
Private schools and home school siphon it out off the coast of much of the responsibility of the public education system.Why such animosity between the three groups has increased to an extent which reminds me of partisan? course the answer is not new.It reproduces with almost every money - political arena.
Knowing that we'll never to remove money as the universal answer to all problems and solutions in politics, we must use as a constant and to make an instrument rather than an obstacle.
Money, just as it is now our burden can be leveraged as tool savings it can be the constant which brings together the community with a common significant for our money from private business community by incentives to help balance the differences in perception between public, private, and academic home avenir.Utiliser education discussion and competition can be displaced to find money to find success scolaire.Interaction creative/competition between the various educational entities can create community events that produce opportunities for advertising which govern the companies want / participer.débats community need, bowls, spelling bee, etc., sponsored by local companies and participated in private at home school children public vs. brain could help with political apathy really and create economic participation incentives.
Vouchers or similar systems must be maintained to allow reasonable choices not based on economic availability.Those who choose to pass the cost of private institutions should receive some reasonable on property taxes break Fund Lottery écoles.La should be used for what it was originally sold to the public - a source of never ending .Entreprises education funding should be allowed and encouraged to participate with the sponsorship of education for all types of students .Coexistence with other sources for the burden of public school education needs is a natural common-sense approach and it creates more opportunity or paths for the participation of our public education community.
One of my future Scottsmoor voters (thanks Tanya) provided some great starting points for research:
Steve Edmonds is running for the Florida State Senate District 24.Pour know our more on Steve Edmonds and its position on the issues, visit him at not yet evaluated atNo comments posted.
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